Initial Cleaning

We charge a $25/hr rate for all initial and one time cleanings. We do not know how dirty a home is until we start cleaning it. Some homes need only maintenance cleaning. Others need quite a bit of work and take longer. The size and condition of your home determines how long it will take to clean.

Maintenance Cleanings

Maintenance cleanings take much less time than your initial cleaning and cost less because your home has been thoroughly cleaned and simply needs maintenance cleaning. The fee is based on the number of rooms to be cleaned, how often we clean and the number of pets and people living in your home. While the cost does vary per residence, our average costs are below. Please contact us for a quote on your residence. We can give you an accurate estimate after we do our initial cleaning.

Special Services

Outside windows & patios
Domestic organization and unclutter require on site estimate.
Laundry - $20/load - Sorry, no ironing. Ask for estimates.